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ALPHAZ Membership agreement

XG OFFICIAL FANCLUB "ALPHAZ" (hereafter, “the Members Club”)is a membership service offered by Avex Fan Marketing Inc. (hereafter, “the Company”). To use the Members Club’s service (hereafter, “this Service”), you must consent beforehand to the terms of use described herein (hereafter, “this Agreement”). You may not utilize this Service without consenting to this Agreement. Please note that all procedures carried out through your smartphone, including the use of this Service and withdrawal from this Service, will be regarded as procedures that you have carried out in person.

Chapter 1 General Provisions

Article 1 Membership Agreement

  1. This Agreement applies to all cases pertaining to enrollment with the Members Club, withdrawal from the Members Club and the use of this Service. From the moment you use this Service, you are deemed to have consented to the terms of this Agreement.
  2. Notifications made by the Company to members, as well as the terms of use, user guides and other guidelines that pertain to all of the Members Club’s services and that are prescribed by the Company separate to this Agreement (hereafter, collectively referred to as “the terms of use and other guidelines”), constitute part of this Agreement regardless of their title.
  3. In the event that differences arise between the provisions prescribed in the body of this Agreement and those stipulated in the terms of use and other guidelines, the provisions defined in the terms of use and other guidelines shall take precedence.

Article 2 Notification

Whenever necessary, the Company will notify members of all required information by means of messages displayed on the dedicated application used for this Service, or by other methods that we deem suitable.

Article 3 Attribution of Rights

All rights, including copyrights, trademark rights and image rights, pertaining to all data, text, audio, video, illustrations and information provided by this Service (hereafter, collectively referred to as “data”), as well as the dedicated application used for this Service, are the property of the Company or the third party who own those rights.

Chapter 2 Membership

Article 4 Enrollment

  1. Enrollment in the Members Club will be carried out at the moment you use this Service. You will be granted membership at that time. Please note that minors must obtain parental consent in order to use this Service.
  2. The membership categories of our association are as follows.
  3. Free member You can enjoy a part of this service.
  4. Free member You can enjoy a part of this service.
    1. Free member You can enjoy a part of this service.
    2. Paid members By paying the membership fee separately determined by the Company, you can enjoy all of this service except those specified in Article 10, Paragraph 3.

Article 5 Period of Validity of Membership

  1. Membership remains valid until a member completes a withdrawal procedure, or is withdrawn from this Service, in accordance with this Agreement.
  2. Paid membership is effective as of the date of enrollment (date on which paid membership is granted by the Company) as follows. If a member selects a payment plan with automatic renewal at the time of application to the service and does not have their membership canceled before the refresh date, their plan will be automatically renewed under the same conditions specified at the time of initial application to the service and will continue to apply thereafter.

Monthly Plan members: Effective for one month following the date of enrollment.Annual Plan members: Effective for one year following the date of enrollment.

Article 6 Prohibited Matters

A member may not commit any of the following acts while using this Service.

  1. The use of any data obtained through the Members Club for purposes including the reproduction, distribution, transfer, lending or public transmission of that data, outside of the bounds of personal use permitted under the Copyright Law.
  2. Infringement upon the property, privacy or image rights of an artist or other third party, or any action that may lead to such circumstances.
  3. Defamation of an artist or other third party in order to damage their reputation or credibility, or any action that brings about the possibility of such harm.
  4. The transfer, lending or renaming of rights owned in accordance with membership status, including priority booking rights for tickets, tickets, and merchandise acquired through membership benefits, on behalf of a third party through methods including resale to that third party by means of an online auction, or the establishment of the right to pledge or provision of any other guarantee in relation to those rights.
  5. Any forceful demand addressed to an artist requesting a meeting or communication, or any request addressed to the Company or another Avex Group company concerning a meeting or communication with an artist.
  6. The use of the Members Club for the purpose of producing a monetary profit for the member or a third party, or any action conducted in preparation of such an attempt.
  7. The use of the Members Club for pre-election campaigning, election campaigning or any similar activity, or any act that infringes upon the Public Offices Election Law.
  8. The use of the Members Club in order to carry out religious activities, including the propagation of a religion, or any act related to a religious association, including the establishment and activities of a religious organization and the entry into a religious organization.
  9. Any action other than those listed above that either violates the law or public order and morals, or that interferes with the operation of the Members Club.

Article 7 + ID Account

An account registered with + ID (hereafter, “+ ID account”), a service provided by Avex Live Creative Inc., is required in order to use the specific features offered through this Service. Before acquiring a + ID account, you must consent to the + ID Account Terms of Use.

Article 8 Cancellation by Member

  1. To withdraw from the Members Club, please submit a withdrawal application using the method prescribed separately by the Company. When the Members Club approves that application, the withdrawal procedure will be completed.
  2. In some cases, changing to a new smartphone model will not bring about the automatic cancellation of your contract with the Members Club. In that event, you must submit a withdrawal application separately using the method prescribed in the previous clause.
  3. Due to system-based reasons, the distribution of email messages may continue for a certain period of time following the completion of the withdrawal procedure. Please be aware of that possibility beforehand.

Article 9 Forced Withdrawal

If a member falls under any of the items listed below, the Company may suspend or withdraw the services provided to that member without advance notice.

  1. A member commits a prohibited action described in Article 6 of this Agreement.
  2. A member violates this Agreement.
  3. The Company determines that it is appropriate to force the withdrawal of a member due to an action not included in the two above items.

Chapter 3 The Members Club’s Service

Article 10 Membership Fees, etc.

  1. Paid members shall pay the consideration to be displayed on the app store, website, etc., which is separately determined by the Company.
  2. The use of this Service will incur communications charges.
  3. There will be a separate charge for products and services sold as membership benefits. In addition, we may distribute paid content in this service, and a separate fee will be charged to use it.
  4. Once paid, the charge stipulated in clause 1 and the previous clause will not be refunded except in cases where there are reasons attributable to the Company.
  5. When carrying out a refund according to the previous clause, the member must register bank account information and other details using the format stipulated by the Company and the form stipulated by the settlement company.
  6. In the event that registration for the bank account used for the refund, as described in the previous clause, is not conducted by the date designated by the Company, or the refund could not be carried out due to reasons including mistakes or deficiencies within the details registered, a separate charge will arise for the reprocessing of the refund, with the resulting fee becoming the responsibility of the member. If a member’s refund is held in reserve due to reasons such as deficiencies within the information registered, within a 24-month period starting from the date it was held in reserve, the member may receive that refund by reregistering or correcting that information so that it allows the refund to be carried out. If that information is not reregistered or corrected within that period, the member will be deemed to have waived the refund.
  7. The Company may commission a refund agency to carry out operations pertaining to the refunds discussed in this article.
  8. The payment method, settlement period and other matters pertaining to the charge prescribed in clause 1 and Clause 3 will be stipulated separately by the Company.

Article 11 Membership Benefits

  1. The membership benefits provided by the Members Club are as follows.
    1. Member ID display.
    2. Provision of artist information limited to members.
    3. Provision of digital content limited to members.
    4. Advance ticket reservation (limited to occasions when ticket sales are carried out; ticket lotteries may be held in some cases).
    5. Other benefits prescribed by the Members Club.
  2. Upon issuing the benefits described in the previous clause, the Members Club shall notify the member of the completion of issuance in the manner specified in this agreement. If benefits are not received, or if they are missing or damaged, please contact the Company before the date specified in the corresponding notification. Re-shipment or exchange requested after the date in the corresponding notification will not be granted under any circumstances.
  3. Please be aware that the member is responsible for any costs associated with re-shipment, except for reasons attributable to the Company. These costs shall be paid by a method designated by the Members Club.
  4. In the event of missing or damaged products, only the item itself is eligible for exchange. Outer boxes, etc. accompanying the item are considered to be packing materials and are not eligible for exchange.
  5. The Company shall assume no liability for the loss of or damage to items attributable to shipping agencies or members.
  6. Shipment may not be possible depending on your residence and/or delivery area. If the Company determines that shipment is not possible, we may refuse to fulfill your order.

Article 12 Communication Functions

  1. Through this Service, the Company provides bulletin board services, posting functions, community functions and other similar functions (hereafter, “communication functions”).
  2. Communication functions are provided on an “as is” basis in order to facilitate communication between artists and fellow members. There is no guarantee of communication with any specific person. Information submitted or transmitted by members may be recorded in a history (log) on servers managed by the Company or other locations.
  3. Copyrights for information submitted or transmitted by a member via this Service using communication functions will be reserved by that member. The Company, however, may freely use the information submitted or transmitted, without restrictions placed on region, duration, form or other considerations, for purposes including the posting of information using this Service, the promotion of this Service, archiving or commercial use by the Company. The Company may also edit or modify the information submitted to the extent necessary for the smooth operation of this Service and the execution of the aforementioned purposes of use (including circumstances such as restrictions on the number of characters of a media posting made for promotional purposes). If a member uses communication functions to submit or transmit information concerning matters such as plans or ideas for specific products or marketing, the Company or another Avex Group company may use that information free of charge without any obligation to evaluate, review or adopt that information, or to maintain confidentiality.
  4. The member shall understand and agree that the information submitted or transmitted using this Service may be used by the Company in accordance with the previous clause. The member shall not exercise an author’s moral rights in relation to such use.
  5. The member shall declare and guarantee to the Company that the information submitted or transmitted using this Service does not violate Article 6. Prohibited Matters.
  6. Notwithstanding the previous clause, if the Company determines that information submitted or transmitted by the member falls under Article 6. Prohibited Matters, the Company may delete that information without advance notice to the member. Deletion by the Company in such a case does not reduce or exempt the responsibility borne by the member for submitting or transmitting that information.
  7. Prior to submitting or transmitting information using this Service, the member shall agree that the submission or transmission of that information is carried out at their own personal risk. The Company will have no involvement and does not bear any obligation to monitor the submitted or transmitted contents. (To ensure that members can use this Service comfortably, the Company may monitor submitted or transmitted contents on its own accord, or by commissioning such work to a third party, by means of an automated monitoring system or visual inspections conducted by a moderator.) When submitting or transmitting information, the member shall understand beforehand that, in the unlikely event that a claim or demand is made by another member or third party due to or in relation to a submission or transmission (hereafter, “demands”), they must resolve that matter at their own risk and expense. The Company will not bear any responsibility for any demands arising due to or in relation to a submission or transmission made by the member. The member shall agree to fully compensate the Company for any and all damages and losses incurred.
  8. Please use the communication functions with the understanding that the information made public by a member (including nicknames, profile images or other information submitted or transmitted by a member) may be disclosed to an unspecified number of third parties. The Company will bear no responsibility for the consequences resulting from members disclosing their own personal information or other information to other members using the communication functions.

Article 13 PASCH point

  1. PASCH point service is a certain act performed by each SNS account of the account holder separately determined by the Company by registering the account of each SNS separately determined by the Company in the + ID account and the act separately determined by the Company in this service. It is a service that gives points (hereinafter referred to as "PASCH points") to (hereinafter referred to as "target actions"). PASCH points will not be awarded if the account of each SNS separately specified by the Company is not registered in the + ID account or if this service is not used using the + ID account.
  2. The account holder must check the terms of use and guidelines of each SNS separately set by the Company in advance, and then comply with them.
  3. There is a limit to the number of PASCH points that can be earned per day for certain actions taken by each SNS account of the account holder separately determined by the Company, as determined by the Company.

Article 14 Reflection of PASCH points

The timing of reflecting PASCH points in the + ID account when the account holder performs the target action is determined by the Company. Therefore, PASCH points may not be immediately reflected in the + ID account even if the account holder performs the target action.

Article 15 PASCH point expiration date

PASCH points do not expire.

Article 16 No transfer of PASCH points

PASCH points cannot be transferred to a third party.

Article 17 Use and redemption of PASCH points

  1. PASCH points can be used for events held by this service (hereinafter referred to as "target events") or exchanged for content provided by this service (hereinafter referred to as "target contents").
  2. The target event may have a period, and the account holder can use PASCH points during the target event period, but PASCH points cannot be used outside the target event period. you can't.
  3. The target content may have a redemption period, and the account holder can redeem PASCH points for the target content during the redemption period for the target event, but PASCH points and target outside the redemption period for the target content. Content cannot be redeemed.
  4. If PASCH points are used or redeemed under paragraph 2, we will deduct the used or redeemed PASCH points from the total PASCH points held by the account holder.

Article 18 Cancellation of PASCH points

The Company can cancel the PASCH points obtained by the target act if the account holder performs the following target acts.

  1. Acts of acquiring PASCH points by fraudulent means such as using a serial code owned by a third party or using an account of each SNS owned by a third party.
  2. The act of acquiring PASCH points using a program (bot) that automates the target act, regardless of the act of the account holder himself.
  3. In each SNS, the act of acquiring PASCH points with extremely short posts such as one character
  4. In each SNS, the act of using obscene words or earning PASCH points for posts that defames others
  5. In addition to the above items, PASCH points will be acquired for acts that violate laws and regulations, public order and morals, interfere with the operation of this service, or that the operator of this service judges to be unfavorable for the operation of this service. Action
  6. Other acts to obtain PASCH points by performing the acts stipulated in Article 6 (Prohibited matters)

Article 19 Handling of PASCH points at the time of withdrawal

For whatever reason, if the account holder's + ID account is deleted, the PASCH points held by the account holder at that time will expire.

Chapter 4 Other

Article 20 Ticket Terms and Conditions

The handling of tickets sold or distributed to members by the Company shall be in accordance with the Ticket Terms and Conditions prescribed separately by the Company.

Article 21 Guarantee of Operation

The dedicated application used for this Service may not function properly on an environment other than the recommended environments prescribed separately by the Company.

Article 22 Service Content Changes, etc.

  1. Without advance notice, the Company may revise, supplement or change this Service and the dedicated application, or carry out a version upgrade. In the event that a serious disadvantage will be incurred by members, the Company will provide notification beforehand within a reasonable period of time.
  2. In the case referred to in the opening sentence of the previous clause, the Company shall notify members after the fact using the methods prescribed in Article 2. Notification.

Article 23 Temporary Suspension or Discontinuation of Service

Due to reasons such as system maintenance or inspections, the Members Club may temporarily suspend the provision of this Service after providing members with prior notice. However, if the Company experiences unforeseen circumstances, the provision of this Service may be temporarily suspended without advance notice.

Article 24 Dissolution of the Members Club

The Company may dissolve the Members Club if it determines that it would be difficult to continue managing the Members Club due to the state of activities conducted by artists and other circumstances.

Article 25 Handling of Personal Information

Limited to the purposes of use described below, the Company and other Avex Group companies will make joint use of users' personal information that is provided to the Company when using this Service, in accordance with the Avex Group Personal Information Protection Policy (https://avex.com/jp/en/public/privacy/) stipulated separately by the Avex Group.

  1. To confirm registration with this Service and the application for its use.
  2. To provide members with the membership benefits stipulated in this Agreement.
  3. To provide members with the notifications stipulated in this Agreement.
  4. For other uses related to the provision of this Service.
  5. For purposes of use prescribed in the Avex Group Personal Information Protection Policy (https://avex.com/jp/en/public/privacy/), other than those uses listed above.

Article 26 Compensation for Damages

  1. If a member causes damages to the Company, an Avex Group company or other third party due to a reason attributable to that member in connection with the use of the Members Club, that member will bear responsibility for compensation for those damages.
  2. If, in connection with the use of the Members Club, a member receives a claim or demand from another member or a third party, or a dispute arises, that member will resolve that matter at their own risk and expense.

Article 27 Exemption from Responsibility

If a member suffers damages in connection with the use of this Service, other than in cases where a reason is attributable to the Company, we will not bear any responsibility for compensation for those damages. If a reason is attributable to the Company and we will bear responsibility for compensation for those damages, except in cases of willful misconduct or gross negligence on our part, that responsibility is limited to ordinary and direct damages actually suffered by the member.

Article 28 Guarantee

The Company will not make any guarantee whatsoever regarding matters including whether the Members Club's service, the emails, content and tickets provided in association with the Members Club's service, and all other products and services meet the standards expected by a member, conform with some specific objective, are free of viruses or other malware, or contain posted information that is correct and truthful.

Article 29 Changes to this Agreement

  1. The Company may make a change to this Agreement if it conforms with the general interests of the member or if it does not conflict with the purpose of this Agreement. In such an event, the member will be subject to the modified version of this Agreement.
    The types of changes that can be made include, but are not limited to, the following examples.
    - Introduction of a new service.
    - Discontinuation of a service.
  2. When the Company makes a change, as described in the previous clause, we will prescribe the effective date of the change and inform members of the change made to this Agreement, the contents of this Agreement following that change and the effective date, by means of the methods prescribed in Article 2. Notification and other methods prescribed separately by the Company.

Article 30 Matters for Discussion

If any uncertainty arises regarding the interpretation of this Agreement or any matter not prescribed in this Agreement, the member and the Company will resolve that uncertainty through mutual discussion in good faith.

Article 31 Governing Law and Jurisdiction

  1. The use of this Service and the application and interpretation of this Agreement shall be governed by the laws of Japan.
  2. If a member needs to dispute some matter with the Company concerning this Service or this Agreement, it is agreed that the Tokyo District Court or the Tokyo Summary Court will have exclusive jurisdiction as the court of first instance.
  3. The Japanese version of this Agreement serves as the official text. If differences of interpretation arise between the Japanese version and any translated version, the Japanese version shall take precedence.

(End of document; 31 articles in total)

Supplementary Provisions

●Revised November 8, 2023

Ticket Services Agreement Article

Article 1 (Ticket Agreement)

  1. This Agreement shall apply in all tickets (hereinafter the "tickets") for concerts and events (hereinafter the "events") followed by Fan Club General Agreement produced by avex group. When applying for the tickets including invited/Free of charge tickets, all applicants (hereinafter the "applicants") shall be deemed to have agreed to the terms and conditions of the Agreement. References to “we”, “us” and “our” refer to avex group.
  2. The applicants apply the tickets for accompany persons, the applicants shall inform all the ticket sales agreement to the accompany persons in advance.
  3. From time to time, Avex may entrust its business ticket sales operations including invited/free of charge tickets to third parties. The applicants shall be agreed and contracted the sales agreement provided by PlayGuide (hereinafter the "PlayGuide Agreement").

Article 2 (Ticket Purchase and Lottery Reservation)

  1. The applicants shall purchase the tickets by following ticket regulations indicated by us or PlayGuide.
  2. The number of purchasable tickets may be changed or limited to the certain events.
  3. In case of exceeding the number of applicants, the limited number of tickets for each performance will be sold through the lottery by us or PlayGuide. All the orders are not be processed on “first-come, first- served” basis unless otherwise specified.
  4. The tickets cannot be cancelled, changed or refunded after purchase as a general rule, unless otherwise specified.

Article 3 (Invalid Reservation)

Avex may suspend or cancel the ticket orders/applications of the applicants on our site or PlayGuide without notice, with respect to whom any of the following events occurred.

  1. The applicants sold or transferred the tickets, which have been purchased or received by such applicants, to a third party for profit.
  2. The applicants sold or transferred the tickets, which have been purchased or received by such the applicants, to a third party for profit including multiple ticket orders under the same address, multiple purchased ticket deliveries under the same address indicated by multiple persons, multiple ticket orders in the name of multiple persons by the same handwriting.
  3. Registered address of the applicants under the name of juridical persons.
  4. The applicants are not real existed and suspected existence.
  5. The applicants are currently banned due to violations of the Fan Club usage agreement at the time of applying for the tickets.
  6. It appeared that the applicants made a false declaration, incorrect information or an omission at the time of application.
  7. The applicants are not followed the procedures indicated by us or PlayGuide by due date.
  8. The applicants took any action prohibited under PlayGuide Agreement.

Article 4 (Payment Methods)

  1. The payment shall be made by the payment method indicated by us or PlayGuide by due date unless the tickets are invited/Free of charge.
  2. The system fees and service fees (hereinafter the "handling fees") indicated by us or PlayGuide may be needed on payments when the tickets referred to Article 4.1 are electronic tickets.
  3. Your reservation will be cancelled by us or PlayGuide if the payment is not made by the due date.
  4. The applicants who settled the payments shall keep the record of payment until the tickets have been delivered.
  5. Once the ticket fee has been paid, it cannot be refunded except for reasons attributable to the company.
  6. The applicants and accompanying persons shall pay for full amount of travel expenses, transportation fees and accommodation fees.

Article 5 (Ticket Delivery)

  1. The tickets will be shipped to the indicated address by the applicants when they are sent to via a mail. We or PlayGuide may contact the applicants to confirm the address via email before the delivery.
  2. Due to the previous statement, we will not accept any liability or responsibility for the tickets sent to you which are Acts of God, means of transportation unavailable, mislaid or lost in the postal system.
  3. According to the Article 5.1, the applicants shall confirm the date, time and number of tickets when the tickets are delivered and inform incorrect information to PlayGuide immediately.

Article 6 (Ticket delivery)

The applicants shall be followed PlayGuide ticket delivery instructions, deadline and payment settlement when the tickets are delivered or issued in certain ways except following ways; issuing at convenience stores, issuing by electronic tickets and delivering by hand.

Article 7 (Ticket Face Confirmation)

The applicants shall confirm ticket information printed on the surface of the tickets or showed on the electronic tickets including the agreement which is not on this Ticket Services Agreement.

Article 8 (Ticket Invalidation)

  1. Avex shall refuse admission to a venue (hereinafter the "venue") or removed from the event and become the ticket holders invalid without notice, with respect to whom any of the following events occurred.
    1. Application found any act under Article 3.
    2. The tickets sold on internet auctions.
    3. The tickets sold at ticket sales offices.
    4. The tickets purchased purpose for transferring to a scalper.
    5. The tickets provided purpose for sales promotion.
    6. The applicants purchased the tickets above the regular rate.
    7. The applicants sold or transferred the tickets, which have been purchased or received by such applicants, to a third party for profit.
    8. The applicants refused to show certain forms of identification during the entry.
    9. The applicants cannot be confirmed by identification information.
    10. The applicants obstructed the operation of the Service by whatever means.
    11. Ticket invalidation occurred under PlayGuide Agreement.
  2. The applicants or accompany persons took any action prohibited under Article 8, the tickets applied by the applicants including accompanying persons become null and the applicants and accompany persons may be refused admission to or removed from the events.
  3. In case of Article 8.2, the tickets already paid, transportation fees and accommodation fees are not refundable.

Article 9 (Prohibitions)

  1. The applicants and accompanying persons shall not conduct any of the following acts when it uses the Service.
    1. Any act of having devices in to the venue for recording purpose.
    2. Any act of using cameras, audio recording devices and video recording devices at the venue.
    3. Any act against the instructions given by attendants.
    4. Any act of purchase photos and video footages sold illegally inside/outside the venue.
    5. Any stalking act, troublesome behavior which insures reputation of any performers.
    6. Any act causes trouble to third party.
    7. Any prohibitive act by the eventers or may violate the laws and regulations
  2. The applicants or accompany persons took any action prohibited under Article 9, all the tickets applied by the applicants including accompanying persons become null and the applicants and accompany persons may be refused admission to the venue or removed from the events. In case of above, tickets already booked cannot be cancelled and fees are not refundable.

Article 10 (Suspension or Cancellation of Membership)

  1. The applicants or accompany persons took any action prohibited under Article 8, Article 9 and the Ticket Services Agreement, we may suspend or cancel the membership of the applicants without notice and may suspend further ticket sales.
  2. The applicants sold or transferred the tickets to third party and tickets become null under Article 8, we deem as the applicant violates the Ticket Services Agreement and we may suspend or cancel the membership of the applicants without notice and may suspend further ticket sales.

Article 11 (Privacy Policy)

  1. Private information acquired by avex, including all the information given by PlayGuide, shall be used for the following purposes.
    1. Confirm for application, lottery reservation and ticket delivery.
    2. Confirm ticket availability. (There may be cases that avex or Playguide may contact all the applicants holding the seat numbers of tickets in online auctions)
    3. Use of other entities to tickets and necessary procedure handled by avex.
  2. Certain personal identifiable information (hereinafter the " Personal Information") shall be subject to separate https://avex.com/jp/en/public/privacy/.

Article 12 (Liability for Damages)

  1. The applicants or accompany persons shall be responsible for such damages, and shall resolve such disputes relating to the damages with such third party at its expenses.
  2. The applicants or accompany persons shall indemnify and hold avex harmless from and against any and all claims and disputes, suits, losses, liabilities, damages, and expenses to be brought against avex by any third party at its expenses.

Article 13 (Disclaimer of liability)

The Company shall not be liable whatsoever for compensating the damages suffered by the members in relation to the use of us, except where there are causes attributable to us; provided, however, that, even in the event that there are causes attributable to us and the Company shall be liable, our liability for the damages shall be limited to the total amount of the ticket prices fee paid by the relevant member in the contract year during which the issue has arisen, except where there is a willful intent or a gross negligence of the Company.

Article 14 (Warranty)

Avex hereby disclaims any warranties, express or implied, including warranties of customer satisfaction and fitness for a particular purpose.

Article 15 (Change of Terms and Conditions)

  1. The Company may change these Terms and Conditions if such changes serve the general interests of the members or do not contravene the purpose thereof. In this event, the amended Terms and Conditions shall apply to the members.
    The examples of changes may include, but not limited to, the following:
    - Change of the company defined as "the Company" under these Terms and Conditions
  2. In the event that the Company makes the changes in the preceding paragraph, the Company shall determine the timing when the changes become effective, and shall familiarize the members with the fact that these Terms and Conditions shall be changed, the details thereof after the changes, and the timing when the changes become effective by indicating on our homepage or other means separately determined by the Company.

Article 16 (Settlement of Ambiguities)

Any matters not stipulated in this Agreement or any ambiguities arising with respect to the interpretation of this Agreement shall be resolved by consultation between the parties in good faith.

Article 17 (Governing Law and Jurisdiction)

  1. The application and interpretation of the Agreement shall be governed by the law of Japan.
  2. If an applicant needs to file a lawsuit against the Company regarding the services of the Club or this Agreement, the Tokyo District Court or Tokyo Summary Court shall be the exclusive agreement jurisdictional court in the first instance.

(17 articles in total)

Additional clause (established・revised)

●Revised August 1, 2023

Specific terms and conditions for ALPHAZ E-tickets

Article 1 (General Provisions)

Avex Fan Marketing Inc. (hereinafter referred to as the "Company") has established a set of "Specific terms and conditions for ALPHAZ E-tickets" (hereinafter referred to as the "Specific Terms ") as the terms under which members may use the electronic ticketing system for tickets to be issued, displayed, distributed, and used for admission to events via QR codes (hereinafter referred to as the "Service") provided by XG OFFICIAL FAN CLUB "ALPHAZ" (hereinafter referred to as the "Organization") through our website, applications, e-mails and other means. The use of the Service is subject to the Specific Terms, as such, please use the Service upon accpeting the Specific Terms.

Article 2 (Service and Specific Terms)

  1. Only those who have agreed to the ALPHAZ Membership Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the "Agreement"), registered as a member of the Organization, and agreed to the Specific Terms shall be entitled to use the Service. However, the services available to members may differ depending on terms and conditions separately specified by the Company.
  2. Any use by members of the Service provided by the Company shall be subject to the Specific Terms.
  3. In addition to the Specific Terms, detailed explanations, notices, guidelines, etc. (hereinafter referred to as "Service Explanations, etc.") may be listed when the Service is provided. By using the Service, members agree to abide by the Service Explanations, etc.
  4. The Service is intended for use in Japan.

Article 3 (Purpose)

The purpose of the Service is to provide members with a system by which tickets provided by the Organization may be issued, displayed, distributed, and used for entrance to events.

Article 4 (System Requirements)

  1. Members must have a system that meets the following requirements in order to use the Service:
    1. Possession of cell phone number and SMS (Short Message Service) capability.
    2. In some cases, cell phone numbers issued outside of Japan and by some domestic carriers may not be compatible.

    3. A smartphone that meets the requirements specified by the Company
    4. Please see the Service website (https://xg.pasch.fan/help) to confirm the recommended smartphone system requirements.

    5. Download of the XG OFFICIAL FANCLUB application (hereinafter referred to as the "Organization Application")
    6. An environment that allows the smartphone to connect to the internet
  2. Members are responsible for the cost of preparing and maintaining the requirements described in each of the previous items, as well as communication charges, SMS fees, and telecommunication fees incurred through the use of the Service.
  3. Members are responsible for taking measures at their own expense to prevent infection by smartphone and computer viruses, unauthorized access, and information leaks as appropriate for their system.
  4. The Service may not display properly if the requirements listed above have not been fulfilled. Furthermore, depending on the settings of the member's smartphone, the Service may be unavailable even when the recommended requirements have been fulfilled.

Article 5 (E-ticket Member)

  1. The "member" in the Specific Terms refers to an individual who has joined the Organization in accordance with the Agreement, agrees to the Specific Terms, and is registered as a member of the Service with approval of the Company to use the Service.
  2. The Company shall approve registration after receiving a registration application through a separately specified method and performing the necessary assessments and procedures, etc. (The information required for membership registration and account management is hereinafter collectively referred to as "Registration Information")
  3. Minors must have the approval of a parent or legal guardian when applying for registration. The Company is entitled to require the minimum information necessary, such as first and last name, to obtain the consent of the parent or guardian of minors who wish to register.
  4. All users of the Service must comply with the following conditions. If it is determined that any of the following conditions are not met, the use of the Service may not be approved (including, but not limited to, rejection of registration or denying admission to the applicable event). Even in such cases, the reason for disapproval will not be provided:
    1. Intended for use by an individual and not by judicial persons
    2. The Service applies to performances approved by the Company, and the application must be done following the method designated by the Company
    3. Must be able to use payment methods specified by the Company
    4. Must have eligibility to purchase and be issued tickets as separately specified by the Company
    5. Must have eligibility to accept the distribution of tickets as separately specified by the Company
    6. Must agree to the Agreement and the Specific Terms
    7. Must not currently be applying for or already be a registered user of the Service
    8. Must not be used for purposes other than personal enjoyment (e.g. commercial activities, etc.)
    9. Must have no prior revocations of membership by the Company
    10. Must have no misstatements, errors, or omissions in the application
    11. When necessary for the provision of services, a portrait photo and photo identification (hereinafter referred to as "Identification Information") must be submitted in a method prescribed by the Company
    12. When necessary for the provision of services, Identification Information must be registered within a period of time deemed valid by the Company
    13. Individuals without a postal address within Japan must acknowledge and agree that they may not have access to certain parts of, or potentially the entire Service, which includes receiving shipments from the Company
    14. Must not have been previously prohibited from using the Service or had membership terminated due to violation of the Agreement or any other reasons (including at the time of application submission)
    15. Other cases in which the Company determines that an applicant should not be a member do not apply

Article 6 (Account Management)

  1. Members are responsible for managing their own Registration Information and ticket information.
  2. Any use of a member's account will be considered to be use by the corresponding member.
  3. In the event of loss or theft of the device on which the Organization Application is installed, or in the event that a member forgets the Registration Information needed to log in to the Organization or suspects unauthorized use of the Registration Information by a third party, please immediately contact the Company via the inquiry page for the Service located at [ https://supportform.jp/ALPHAZ-Digital-Ticket-Infomation ], and follow the instructions provided by the Company.
  4. Any losses or damages incurred by a member due to use of the member's account by a third party will be addressed in accordance with Article 29 (Disclaimer of Liability of the Company)

Article 7 (Membership Registration Period)

  1. Membership of the Service does not expire. In accordance with the Specific Terms, membership is valid until the member voluntarily resigns or has their membership involuntarily terminated, the Organization is dissolved, or the Service is discontinued.
  2. If a member voluntarily cancels his/her membership, the Company will not resend any shipments or email communications thereafter, regardless of the reason.

Article 8 (Scope of service use)

    Members may use benefits within the Service determined by the Company, such as receiving, displaying, and distributing tickets, or viewing content contained in the Service functions of the Organization Application provided by the Company. However, the member acknowledges in advance that the specifications and functions of the benefits may differ depending on terms and conditions separately specified by the Company and that the specifications and functions are subject to change without prior notice due to circumstances of the Company, its business partners, or force majeure events. Please note that the shipping address to receive deliveries from the Company must be within Japan. In addition, displays of tickets and various data history related to the Service in the Organization Application will not be stored indefinitely.

Article 9 (Ticket Purchases)

  1. The Company may issue tickets used on the Service which will be sold at ticketing offices or on the ticketing websites of the Company or other Companies (hereinafter collectively referred to as "Ticketing Offices, etc."). Such tickets are hereinafter referred to as "Service Tickets".
  2. When purchasing or applying for Service Tickets at Ticketing Offices, etc., your cell phone number indicated in the Registration Information of the Service must be registered on the ticket application form or in the membership information of the Ticketing Office, etc.
  3. In the event that it becomes necessary for a member to change their cell phone number before the issuing of Service Tickets begins, the purchaser of the Service Ticket shall contact the Ticketing Office, etc. through which the ticket application was submitted.
  4. The Company is not liable for failure to issue tickets due to typing mistakes in the cell phone number or other errors at the time of application and is not liable for the resulting inability to attend the event for which tickets have been purchased. Please note that in such cases, tickets cannot be canceled or refunded.
  5. If there are any guests, the purchaser of the Service Tickets shall, prior to purchase:
    1. Confirm that all guests meet the eligibility requirements as stipulated in the Agreement and the Specific Terms.
    2. Inform the guest(s) that:
    3. -The tickets will be purchased through the applicable ticketing office.

      -The provisions in the Agreement and the Specific Terms also apply to the guest(s).

      -The guest(s) must also be a member of the Organization in order to be issued tickets or receive transferred tickets.

      -The guest(s) must register the required information, such as cell phone numbers and fan club membership information, in order to use the Service.

    4. Confirm that the information to be registered is correct and obtain the consent of the guest(s)."

Article 10 (Ticketing)

  1. The purchaser of the Service Ticket must be a registered member of the Organization. The Organization Application must be downloaded in order to be issued Service Tickets.
  2. The member who is the purchaser of the Service Ticket (hereinafter referred to as "Service Ticket Purchasing Member") must use the Organization Application with a member account that has been registered with the same cell phone number used when applying for tickets at Ticketing Offices, etc.
  3. Service Tickets purchased through Ticketing Offices, etc. are automatically entitled to use the Organization Application. The information of the issued ticket can be confirmed on the respective event details page of the MY EVENT section in the application (hereinafter referred to as "MY EVENT"). Please note that some tickets may not have seat numbers or serial numbers, etc., or the number may be assigned immediately before the performance rather than at the time of ticketing.
  4. If the cell phone number provided at the time of ticket application is different from the cell phone number in the Registration Information of the Organization, the Service Ticket cannot be issued. As stated in clause 3 of the foregoing article, the Service Ticket Purchasing Member should inquire via the website of the Ticketing Office, etc. on which the ticket was applied prior to the start of ticket issuance. The Company is not liable for failure to issue Service Tickets due to typing mistakes in the cell phone number, other errors, or failure to update cell phone number information within the specified time period on the part of the member, and is not liable for the resulting inability of the member to attend an event they applied to. Please note that in such cases, tickets cannot be canceled or refunded.
  5. If you need to reinstall the Organization Application due to uninstallation or changing your device, you can access any unused tickets you may have by re-downloading the Organization Application and logging in again using your registered email address, password, and cell phone number on the data transfer page found on the new registration screen. Members are responsible for any internet communication fees, SMS charges, and call charges incurred during reinstallation and re-login.
  6. In the event that a member uninstalls the Organization Application, whether intentionally or accidentally, past data that could previously be viewed within the Organization Application may be deleted. The Company is not liable for any damage claims or losses resulting from such deletion.

Article 11 (Displaying Tickets)

  1. The Service that appears on the Organization Application is a mobile ID-based ticket authentication standard. One QR code is generated per member account, and all Service Tickets in the member's possession are managed using the single QR code (hereinafter referred to as the "Mobile ID").
  2. The Mobile ID can be displayed on the HOME page of the application, and all tickets in the member's possession can be authenticated by presenting the Mobile ID at the venue entrance gate.
  3. Ticket information for each Service Ticket can be found on their respective event pages located in the MY EVENT section as described in the previous article, as well as on the upcoming events located at the bottom of the HOME screen of the application.

Article 12 (Ticket Distribution)

  1. If the Service Ticket Purchasing Member has multiple tickets, they can use the distribution function to transfer ticket data to their guest(s). However, the specifications such as whether or not distribution is possible or whether distribution is required for all guests may vary depending on the type of ticket.
  2. If the distribution of the tickets is required, the Service Ticket Purchasing Member is required, as soon as possible after applying for the tickets, to inform any and all guest(s) of the requirement of member registration and download of the Organization Application.
  3. After the Service Ticket Purchasing Member is issued tickets via the Organization Application, the tickets must be distributed to any guest(s) by the beginning of the event. The method of distribution is a transmission to guest(s) via email, SMS (Short Message Service), or LINE, of a notification that tickets can be received.
  4. In order for a guest to be issued tickets, it may be necessary for the guest, when registering as a member on the Organization Application or receiving tickets, to provide the cell phone number and/or membership information provided by the Service Ticket Purchasing Member when the tickets were applied for. The Company is not liable for any damage claims or losses due to incorrect registration of information necessary for ticketing, such as mistakes in a guest's phone number.
  5. The Service Ticket Purchasing Member may cancel the transfer of a ticket up until the point the ticket has been received by the guest. After the ticket has been distributed, the guest may still return the ticket to the Service Ticket Purchasing Member, and the Service Ticket Purchasing Member may distribute the ticket to a different guest. The Company is not liable for any damage claims or losses resulting from improper distribution of tickets on the part of the Service Ticket Purchasing Member.
  6. The distribution function is not available for tickets that have been received by guest(s) via distribution.

Article 13 (Use of “ALPHAZ STORE”)

  1. Our company may provide a listing function on each event page of MY EVENT within our app that allows tickets to be bought and sold within the membership ticket transaction service "ALPHAZ STORE" operated by our company.
  2. Tickets for which the exhibition function can be used are limited to those tickets for which the event organizer and the Company have given permission to ticket purchase members for this service to be exhibited on the "ALPHAZ STORE."
  3. Please check the ticket sales page of the relevant event official website or play guide to check whether the ticket is permitted to be displayed on the "ALPHAZ STORE". Please note that the listing function cannot be used for tickets for which the event organizer and our company have not authorized the use of "ALPHAZ STORE."
  4. Tickets received by companions through distribution (limited to tickets that are permitted to be listed on "ALPHAZ STORE") can be listed on "ALPHAZ STORE" by returning the tickets to the member who purchased the ticket for this service. I can.
  5. Regarding "ALPHAZ STORE", the ALPHAZ STORE individual terms and conditions separately established by our company shall be followed.

Article 14 (Identity Verification, etc. when Entering Venue)

  1. Upon entering the event, the Service Ticket Purchasing Member and guest(s) must present their smartphone displaying the Mobile ID that has been assigned the Service Ticket for identity verification and/or admission procedures.
  2. The Service Ticket Purchasing Member and guest(s) may be denied admission to the event if any of the following items apply:
    1. If an individual, regardless of the reason, including losing or forgetting, etc., does not have a smartphone that meets the system requirements
    2. If an individual, regardless of the reason, including malfunction, depletion of battery charge, signal interference, etc., is unable to display the Mobile ID on their smartphone
    3. If an individual, regardless of the reason, refuses to present their Mobile ID
    4. If the Mobile ID presented fails to authenticate the identity of the Service Ticket Purchasing Member or guest(s)
    5. If a Mobile ID is presented that has been assigned a Service Ticket that has become invalid based in accordance with the Agreement.
  3. If duplicate ticket data for an event is presented, such as duplicate seat numbers, or in the event that ticket data is suspected to have been duplicated, the Company, the ticket seller, and/or the operator of the corresponding event may request all Service Ticket Purchasing Members and guest(s) involved to provide their names, cell phone numbers, and date of birth, etc., and the Service Ticket Purchasing Members and guest(s) must comply to such request. If the Service Ticket Purchasing Member's cell phone number differs from the information provided during ticket registration, if a guest's registration information received upon distribution differs from the information in the Service management system of the Company, or if the individual refuses to present their personal identification information, the Company reserves the right to refuse admission or dismiss the individual(s) involved.
  4. Please note that Service Ticket Purchasing Members and guests who are denied entry or dismissed from the venue in accordance with the preceding clause will not receive a refund for the ticket price, and expenses pertaining to transportation, accommodation, etc. will not be compensated.

Article 15 (Handling of Usage History)

  1. The Company may use, duplicate, or store information such as the usage history of the Service by members (hereinafter referred to as the "Usage History, etc.") to the extent necessary to provide and improve the Service.
  2. Notwithstanding the foregoing clause, the Company is not obligated to reproduce the Usage History and is not liable for any loss or destruction of the Usage History.
  3. The Company may erase all or part of the stored data upon termination of the contract under the Agreement and Specific Terms for any reason.

Article 16 (Support)

The Company is not obligated to provide support in connection with the Service.

Article 17 (Version Updates)

The Company may request that members delete previous versions of the application when providing an updated version, for example, and the member must promptly comply with this request.

Article 18 (Attributed Rights)

  1. All rights, including copyrights, trademarks, and image rights, which pertain to all data including text, audio, video, graphics, and information (hereinafter collectively referred to as the "Data, etc.") provided through the Service are the property of the Company or their respective third party owners.
  2. Members may use the Data, etc. to the extent it is provided in the Service.

Article 19 (Changes, Suspension, and Termination of Service)

  1. The Company reserves the right to make changes (revisions, additions, modifications, version updates, etc.) to the Service. In such cases, the Company will notify members after the fact.
  2. Notwithstanding the foregoing clause, if any of the changes (revisions, additions, modifications, version updates, etc.) described in the foregoing clause could be detrimental to members, the Company will notify the members well in advance.
  3. The Company may temporarily suspend the Service with prior notice for any of the following reasons. However, the Company may also suspend the Service without prior notice due to unforeseen circumstances:
    1. For regular or emergency maintenance of equipment installed or managed by the Company in connection with the Service.
    2. If there is an error, malfunction, or failure of equipment installed or managed by the Company, or any other reason that prevents the Service from being provided to members.
    3. If a natural disaster, incident, or other emergency occurs or is anticipated to occur.
  4. The Company may terminate the Service if unavoidable circumstances arise during the operation of the Service.

Article 20 (Handling of Personal Information)

The Company will handle personal information provided by members in accordance with the "ALPHAZ Application Privacy Policy".

Article 21 (Member Obligations)

  1. Members are required to abide by relevant laws and regulations, the provisions in the Agreement, the user guidelines and notices, and any other items notified by the Company, and must not engage in any other activities that interfere with the business activities and operations of the Company.
  2. Members may not change the member ID assigned to them by the Company. Members are responsible for all management of their member ID and Registration Information.
  3. If a member becomes aware of or suspects that their member ID or Registration Information has been used fraudulently, the member must promptly notify the Company without fail. The member is responsible for any damages incurred due to failure or delay in notifying the Company.

Article 22 (Prohibited Conduct)

  1. Members may not engage in any of the following conduct in connection with the use of the Service:
    1. Obstruction of the operation of the Service
    2. Conduct that defames or slanders the Company or third parties, damages their reputation or credibility, or otherwise causes or threatens to cause harm to them
    3. Criminal conduct, conduct in connection with criminal acts, or conduct that may lead to criminal acts
    4. Conduct which uses the Service for commercial purposes, whether directly or indirectly (including, but not limited to, resale of purchased Service Tickets on online auctions, private commerce sites, social media, etc. to any number of individuals)
    5. Failure to pay for tickets that have been applied for and won in lotteries
    6. Transmission of an excessive amount of information, or transmission of advertising content with the intent to interfere with the stable operation of service
    7. Distribution of computer viruses that cause malfunction of information and communications equipment and destruction of information
    8. Theft or unauthorized use of another person's personal information, member ID, or Registration Information
    9. Any use of data, information, text, sound, images, graphics, etc. obtained through the use of the Service for reproduction, sale, publication, or broadcast beyond the scope of the private use permitted under copyright law
    10. Conduct that infringes on the intellectual property rights, privacy or image rights, or any other rights of the Company, other members, or third parties
    11. Development, distribution, or use of unauthorized tools, unauthorized applications, or other programs designed to abuse the Service, or any conduct that solicits or encourages a third party to commit such acts
    12. Alteration (including data falsification), modification, secondary use, decompiling, disassembling, reverse engineering, or other actions that analyze the source code, framework, or other aspects of the application provided by the Company
    13. Business activities, religious propaganda and solicitation, and political propaganda
    14. Engaging in any type of interaction or involvement with anti-social forces, such as being a crime group or member thereof, being an associate member of a crime group, being a racketeering group or group conducting criminal activities under the pretext of social campaigns, being a crime group specialized in intellectual crimes, or any other equivalent anti-social force (hereinafter referred to as "Anti-social Forces, etc."), including cooperating or being involved in the operation or management of Anti-social Forces, etc. by providing funds or through other conduct
    15. Other conduct that the Company determines is inappropriate based on reasonable evidence
  2. If a member violates any of the items prohibited in the foregoing clause or otherwise breaches the Agreement, the Company may take any or all of the following actions without incurring any liability of default:
    1. Warnings or other requests to change behavior
    2. Restriction or suspension of use of all or part of the Service
    3. Revocation of membership
    4. Filing a claim for damages

Article 23 (Changing Registered Information)

  1. Changing profile information
  2. If there are any changes to relevant information, the member must promptly register the change in their profile information. The following information may be changed:

    1. Last name (furigana is optional)
    2. Email address
    3. Password
    4. Gender
    5. Place of residence

    The Company is not liable for any damages caused by failure to register a change. If a change is registered, transactions that have already been processed before the change has been registered will be conducted based on the information provided before the change was registered.

  3. Change of cell phone number
    1. The Service uses the cell phone number in the Registration Information as the primary key for the account, so members cannot change the cell phone number in the Registration Information on their own.
    2. If it is necessary for a member to change the cell phone number in the Registration Information for any reason, please contact the Service support at [https://supportform.jp/ALPHAZ-Digital-Ticket-Infomation], and follow the instructions provided by the Company.
    3. If tickets have been applied for at Ticket Offices, etc. but have not yet been issued on the Organization Application, it may not be possible for the cell phone number to be updated if the registration information cannot be verified when support is contacted.
    4. The Company is not liable for any loss or damages incurred, such as being unable to attend an event, etc., due to failure to change the cell phone number.
  4. Members must promptly register any changes to their relevant personal information. The Company is not liable for any losses due to failure to register changes. If a change is registered, ticket purchases, applications, and other transactions that have already been completed prior to the change will be conducted based on the information provided before the change was registered.

Article 24 (Exclusion of Anti-social Forces)

  1. Member declares and affirms that the member is not currently and will never be any of the following:
    1. An organized crime group, a member of an organized crime group, an associated member of a crime group, or a company affiliated with an organized crime group
    2. A racketeer group, a group conducting criminal activities under the pretext of social campaigns, or a crime group specializing in intellectual crimes
    3. Former members of the foregoing groups with less than five years having passed since separation, or other entities equivalent to the foregoing groups
  2. Member declares and affirms that they do not now or in the future have any of the following relationships with the Anti-social forces described in the foregoing clauses or individuals in close personal relationships with Anti-social forces (hereinafter referred to as "Anti-social Forces, etc.").
    1. Having a relationship in which Anti-social Forces, etc. are deemed to be in control of or be substantially involved in the management of a company.
    2. Having a relationship that is deemed to involve utilizing Anti-social Forces, etc. for improper purposes, such as for the purpose of pursuing profits unlawfully for oneself, one's company, or a third party, or for the purpose of inflicting damages on a third party.
    3. Having a relationship that is deemed to involve Anti-social Forces, etc., whereby funds or other benefits are provided to Anti-social Forces, etc.
    4. Having a relationship in which an executive or person substantially involved in the management of a company has a socially reprehensible relationship with Anti-social Forces, etc.
  3. If a member is found to fall under any of the items in the preceding two clauses, the Company may, immediately and without notice or warning, terminate all or part of the contract based on the Agreement and Specific Terms.

Article 25 (Notifications)

  1. The Company will notify members of the necessary information about the Service through notifications in the application, mail, email, social media, website posts, and other methods deemed appropriate by the Company.
  2. When the notifications in the foregoing clause are made electronically, such as via notifications in an application, email, social media, or website posts, the notification is deemed to have been received at the time it is posted or sent by the Company. When notifications in the foregoing clause are made by a non-electronic method, they are addressed to the residential address, email address, cell phone number, etc. provided by the member, and the notification is deemed to have been received at the time it would generally take to reach the member.

Article 26 (Compensation for Damages)

Members are liable for compensation for any damages inflicted on the Company, Avex Group companies, partners, and third parties due to reasons attributable to them in the use of the Service.

Article 27 (Prohibition of Account Transfers)

Members are prohibited from transferring, gifting, or lending their rights of use of the Service, or any other status under the use agreement, to any other party regardless of whether compensation is received or not. Furthermore, rights of use may not be offered as collateral.

Article 28 (Liability Exemption)

  1. The Company is not liable for any damages, direct or indirect, incurred by a member as a result of the member's use or inability to use the Service (including leaks of Registration Information due to loss of mobile devices, etc.), except in cases of intentional or gross negligence on the part of the Company.
  2. Notwithstanding the aforementioned provision, should the Agreement qualify as a contract falling under the Consumer Contract Act of Japan, the Company's liability shall be confined solely to damages stemming from the Company's negligence, with such liability limited exclusively to willful damages (defined as harm directly and factually suffered by the member). In the event that said damage is attributable to the purchase, issuance, distribution, display, etc., of member tickets acquired through the Service or in the process of attempting to do so, the Company's maximum liability is restricted to the amount equivalent to the price of the relevant tickets.

Article 29 (Consultations)

If there is any dispute regarding a matter not stipulated in the Specific Terms, or regarding the interpretation of the Specific Terms, it shall be resolved upon mutual consultation in good faith between the member and the Company.

Article 30 (Modification of the Specific Terms)

  1. The Company may modify the Specific Terms when it is in the general interest of the members, and when it is not contrary to the purpose of the Specific Terms. In such event, members will be subject to the modified Specific Terms.
  2. If the Company decides to modify the Specific Terms as described in the foregoing clause, the Company shall establish the effective date of the change and notify the members of the change, the effective date, and provide the updated Specific Terms in accordance with Article 24 (Notifications) of the Specific Terms.

Article 31 (Termination of Membership)

  1. The Company may terminate a membership if it determines that any of the following applies to the member:
    1. If the member does not exist
    2. If the member has had their membership canceled in the past
    3. If the member is a minor and does not have the consent of their legal representative
    4. If the registration information is false, incorrect, or incomplete
    5. If the member cannot be contacted
    6. If the member violates or has violated the Agreement in the past
    7. If the Company otherwise determines it inappropriate for the member to have a membership.
  2. No refunds will be provided for ticket purchases or fees for the Service already paid by the member, even if the Company terminates the membership. Members are still responsible for any outstanding payment obligations they may have at the time of membership termination, even after the membership is terminated.

Article 32 (Voluntary Membership Withdrawal)

  1. If a member wishes to withdraw their membership, the member shall apply for withdrawal in accordance with the prescribed procedure of XG OFFICIAL FAN CLUB "ALPHAZ", and upon approval by the Company, the withdrawal process will be completed and the member will be withdrawn from the Organization and the Service simultaneously. However, withdrawal is not possible while in possession of tickets for an upcoming event on the Service.
  2. Members may withdraw their membership only if they are not in possession of tickets for the Service on the Organization Application. Members may withdraw their membership even if they have purchased or applied for Service Tickets at a Ticket Office, etc. and the tickets remain unused on the Organization Application, but the right to be issued the tickets may be forfeited. The Company is not liable for any damage claims or losses resulting from the revocation of a ticket due to withdrawal from membership.
  3. No refunds will be provided for tickets already paid for by the member, regardless of whether the payment was made before or after being issued the ticket, even after membership withdrawal procedures have been completed. Members are still responsible for any outstanding payment obligations they may have at the time of membership termination, even after the membership is terminated.
  4. If a member wishes to re-register for a membership after withdrawal, the member will be newly registered, and all of the member's previous Registration Information and past usage data will not be transferred.

Article 33 (Applicable Laws and Jurisdiction)

  1. The Specific Terms shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of Japan
  2. The member agrees that any dispute arising between the member and the Company regarding the Service or out of or in connection with the Agreement shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Tokyo District Court or the Tokyo Summary Court in the first instance.
  3. The Japanese version of the Specific Terms is the official version, and if there is any discrepancy in interpretation between the Japanese version and translated versions, the Japanese version shall prevail.

Established November 8, 2023